Friday 5 February 2010

Poster Layout Ideas

Here is my first design layout for my poster. Its a simple, straight forward design with clear focus on the magazine name, title of film, main actors and the poster will display a picture of a main character with loaction setting within the background to help sell the film. I want the fim magazine title to stand out so that it draws audiences to view the magazine and view the film. Decision to place a main character on the poster page is so that audiences can recognise them and they are used as a unique selling point (USP). The image of the character will be a medium close-up to capture the audiences attention in recognising them. Across the left-mid vertical will be the title of the film. This will be bold and will catch the eye of readers.

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You Never Know What's Coming Next!

A2 Media Task

In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.

Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.