Thursday 28 January 2010

Film Poster Analysis

There are two taglines used on the poster. Taglines are a phrase or statement that captures the essence of the film and they are used as advertising slogans. The taglines are positioned both in top and bottom horizontal with the medium close-up images of the female character positioned in the centre of the poster. The taglines act as a barrier around the image, that the character is possibly stuck or cant get out of a situation that she is in. The title is postioned in the bottom horizontal above the tagline and release date, its eerie font that grows in size from small letters to capitals might symbolise some kind of attempt to escape. The title is in white writing which matching the top tagline, you can put the statement and the word orphan together and decide that something isnt right with the female actor. The red accessorie around the characters neck matches the bottom tagline, you could link the phrase with the accessorie in the image, its covering her throat which relates to speech and relates back to the tagline of 'CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET?'. Its almost selling the storyline that something isnt right with this character and she isnt telling the complete truth about something.

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You Never Know What's Coming Next!

A2 Media Task

In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.

Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.