Sunday 7 February 2010

Magazine Layout Idea

The title of the magazine will be positioned at the top of the page, its an eye catching location and will take up three thirds of the length of page. The font will be bold, readable and in a colour which is suitable for people to read on the eyes i.e. red is strong, bold and recognisable but the colour cant blend in with the image in the background. The image will be either a still frame from the film or a picture which isnt featured within the film like the main characters. The image will be a medium close up so that audiences can view the product clearer and be attracted by their first impression of what they see, it has to come out from the magazine page so that audiences take notice and are drawn to it. Around the edge of the magazine page will be appealing storys that are mentioned from within the magazine, they are extra adaptions on the page to draw readers to view the magazine. They will be alot smaller than the magazine title and film title that is on the magazine page. Along the bottom vertical of the page will be the title of the film in capitalised lettering, it will help to draw the audience to the focus point of the magazine page which is to sell the film to wide range of audiences through another form of media. The price and barcode will be placed in the bottom right hand cornor, once the reader has eye read the front page of the magazine they can then purchase it.

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You Never Know What's Coming Next!

A2 Media Task

In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.

Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.