There are two taglines used on the poster. Taglines are a phrase or statement that captures the essence of the film and they are used as advertising slogans. The taglines are positioned both in top and bottom horizontal with the medium close-up images of the female character positioned in the centre of the poster. The taglines act as a barrier around the image, that the character is possibly stuck or cant get out of a situation that she is in. The title is postioned in the bottom horizontal above the tagline and release date, its eerie font that grows in size from small letters to capitals might symbolise some kind of attempt to escape. The title is in white writing which matching the top tagline, you can put the statement and the word orphan together and decide that something isnt right with the female actor. The red accessorie around the characters neck matches the bottom tagline, you could link the phrase with the accessorie in the image, its covering her throat which relates to speech and relates back to the tagline of 'CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET?'. Its almost selling the storyline that something isnt right with this character and she isnt telling the complete truth about something.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Magazine Analysis
To the left is a magazine front cover with an attractive layout. I have placed yellow lines around parts of the magazine that i would like to adapt to my own. There is a circle around the female character, she fills the complete page from top to bottom. Behind her head is the masthead, the images covers part of the title but its ok as the masthead is well known. The left vertical hold different font sizes and coloured text about specific things within the magazine, this is ideal to the reader as it gives the reader an insight into what they will read about if they purchase the magazine. If you look closely you can see that the reasoning behind the different font sizes and colour is due to it being a british magazine being sold in a foreign country. The masthead is highlighted for being world widely known, due to the images covering the title, people still have an understanding of the magazine. The barcode is placed in the bottom horizontal, once the audience have viewed the heading, images and content that will be held within the magazine they can then buy it and check the price. There is minimal expression of colour being used, main focus on green, black and red to focus the attention of the reader and not put them off by confusing them with wild amounts of colour and too much going on within the magazine front cover.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Film Poster Analysis

The film poster is one of my favourite as it tells the story through strong images, text and colour usage. The title of the poster stands out in the right horizontal, the colour is a goldy/yellow and it becomes darker as you read it. The title is pale yellow to dark gold, this could be the change from day to night when the phone calls happen. The image in the left vertical is a close-up of a female character, we can only view half her face which holds a phone to hear ear. The silhouette in the far background in the right vertical is of a man, the images together tell the story. The unique selling point in the film poster is the shadow which lurks in the background of the poster. The audience is drawn to the sense of the unknown and they want to find out who or what it is that is displayed behind the young female character. The look of fearfulness and loss in her eyes attracts the audience to want to discover the stranger on the phone and the consequences.
Film Poster Analysis

Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Film Magazine Covers

I researched film magazines to help me produce my very own film magazine front cover for my thriller film. I needed to gather together the codes and conventions of what makes a magazine front cover work.
When viewing the magazine front covers you can clearly see that the image and text is the eye catching focusing in which the audience will pay most attention to. The images are large illustrating power and positioned in the middle vertical of the page. The tile of the magazine stands out from the background colour but not taking away the selling point of the magazine which is the image. Colours used for the title are either black, red or white; these colours are very noticable and strong, the colours used control the meaning behind the text.
Mood Board

Thrillers are notified by their fast pace, frequent action and dramatic build up of suspense to have the audience hanging on their seats. Above is my mood board which has stills from several thriller films. It helps me to capture the format of a thriller film; positioning of characters to show power or weakness. In a thriller film there are particular codes and conventions that audiences look out for; colours used, Storyline, female actress placed in postion of vunerability. The colours used within each film still are bland giving a sense of mystery, making viewers want to explore the film in more detail. The titles used help signify the genre of the film. Titles used help to attract the film and sell it to wide audiences; the font style, font size, font colour and font positioning helps to tell the story and relate it to the film genre. Audiences are able to constuct a meaning from the titling, they can make a narrative from it.
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You Never Know What's Coming Next!
A2 Media Task
In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.
Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.
Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.
Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.
Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.