Wednesday 28 April 2010


1) In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I created three media products which consisted of a a poster, a magazine and a teaser trailor. The genre i choose for my products was thriller. To acheive the best result possible for all three of my products i carried out a wide range of research consisting of looking at previous posters, magazines and teaser trailors. When i was creating all of my products i took into account the forms and conventions that are used to make it successful. When producing the poster i discovered that the main concept of it was the image that would be either a main character from the teaser trailor or characters. I decided to frame two of my characters in the poster because the shot of them was very dominating and i found that it would attract audiences as the looked at it. The titling used within the poster was bold and eye catching, the poster is very limited with information as its used as a first glance attraction to draw the audience to wanting to view the film. The magazine was created based on the positive aspects of previous magazines, having a structured look; the image being centralised, a clear magazine name, stories advertised around the egde of the magazine and the title of the film being clearly visible for readers to view it. I decided to place an image of all my main characters in the centre of the magazine with a clear bold magazine title and the film poster title positioning clearly in view without being lost within all the other information on the front cover of the magazine. When carrying out research for my teaser trailor i viewed previous ones that were on youtube to see what was done to produce the best quality outcome. Teaser trailors are not like normal trailors for films, they are short usually lasting up to 90 seconds and the order of the film is non chronological.When teaser trailors are put together the shots are puzzled up, this way it allows for the audience to create their own idea of the film and keeps them wanting to know more. They are a unique form of attracting audiences, shots are short and snappy creating an enigma which gets the audiences thinking of lots of storylines that would connect with what is being viewed. I feel i fulfilled what was expected in order to produce a thriving teaser trailor, the order of the shots were non linear creating anticipation and excitement. The sound track inserted pulls the audience into the genre, its upbeat and has the audience following the actions that commence in each shot. My media products all either use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products due to my in depth of research and several attempts with the products i have produced three good quality media products.
2)How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
My main product the teaser trailor and my ancillary texts which are my magazine front cover and poster all tie in with one another. All my products work together with my USP-Unique Selling Point being the characters that star within my products, they feature in all three and are recognisable icons for audiences. The tagline that is visible on the poster features in the teaser trailor also, this connects the two products together and audiences can make the similarity between the two. The poster is effective in drawing in people two what the fear in the girls eyes are, the medium close up of the two female characters attracts an open mind to what it is they are frightened or hiding about. The magazine front cover has the characters displayed in the middle, straight away you can relate the magazine cover to the poster that has been viewed and so people would want to read more about the film and discover more. The teaser trailor uses the dark colours, fast moving pace of shots and the text used within each couple of shots relates to the text used on the poster and magazine front cover. After viewing my media products i see the relationship between them and they are marketed very positively as there is clear indications that they all relate to one another.
3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?
I made a blog where i displayed all my research for my three media products, here i had polls that my audience could answer to and give me feedback that i could work with. The polls were a positive idea in reaching alot of people and when they answered the polls they could then comment on previous research that i had analysed.
I made several attempts at my two ancillary texts, i designed different layouts and styles that i could possibly use and i showed them to my A2 Media class and teacher to get positive and negative feedback for what can be done to make it better or what works well. This helped me go away and work on them to place the changes and show a different audience, so i showed them to my friends and family to see what they had to say. My friends and family were more bias towards it being two great products because they knew me but i asked them to critically analyse them and i informed them of what had previously been said about them. After collecting all my feedback i altered any weaknesses and went ahead to produce my final version of the poster and magazine front cover.
After i had filmed, edited and put together my teaser trailor i showed it to the four female characters to see what they thought of the final product and what changes could be made. With the input they made i made convenient changes that had that extra touch to making it a thriller teaser trailor and not just an original film trailor.
4) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
For my AS Media coursework it was all done elctronically by powerpoint i.e. the research and planning and evaluation could be done either by powerpoint, word or you could produce a written copy of everything. This year for A2 Media coursework we was to set up a blog page with the help of my media teacher this was produced and it makes it easy for the examiners to look over are progress and showes time management throughout the coursework.
Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that enable people to share information over the world wide web. I produced a blog page that would allow people to access all my coursework and give me feedback to what i had displayed. I researched thriller posters via google and what the forms and conventions are for a thriller product. The use of youtube came in hand when accessing previous teaser trailors, finding out how they are structured and i was also able to research on the internet what a teaser trailor was because before my A2 coursework i didnt exactly know what one was. When carrying out my construction work i used a video camera and a tripod, i needed to be shown how they worked to acheive the best quality images and filming. I used the video camera to film the shots but also to take pictures that featured on my poster and magazine front cover, this gave the pictures a good quality finish. After i had completed all of my construction work i uploaded my shots to a mac computer. Mac computers enable you to edit shots together, insert sound, edit voiceover or cut the voice out completely, insert special effects and lengthen or shorten shots, etc. This new technology helps me to create proffesional products.

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You Never Know What's Coming Next!

A2 Media Task

In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.

Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.