Thursday 17 December 2009

Cloverfield Teaser Trailor

Here is the Cloverfield teaser trailer, gives you an idea into what my final piece should portray
The teaser trailer is fast paced, very energetic and has several clips from within the film placed together in a non-liner order. Cloverfield is a well shot film, the film is viewed through the eyes of one of the characters within the film using hand held camera movements really makes the audeince feel as if they in the film itself and following along with the characters. The audience is placed in the position of the character which is filming the tragic event taking place in the city of New York, audiences are able to feel the rush and thrill that the characters are experienicing. The target audience for this film was a 18/25 years old, the reasoning being that the film was rated a PG-13 and therefore people above the age of 13 or 13 years old and with an adult can view the film. The trailor doesnt tell the story, it leaves the audience guessing, allowing them to produce their own versions of what they think will happen in the film. After watching the trailor it gives you a sense of unknowing and that is the key attraction as to why teaser trailers draw a wider audience than orignal trailors because you don't know the actual storyline.

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You Never Know What's Coming Next!

A2 Media Task

In my second year of media i will be producing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailor; together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Teaser Trailer is a short trailer that consists of several shots from the film placed together in a non cronilogical order. This is to entice the audience to want to go and watch the film as mutilple storylines are conducted from it.

Magazine front cover and poster will try to sell my film to a wide audience and be appealing.